Kerb Law Group


There are several employment-based immigration categories that foreign nationals can apply for. These categories are based on the type of job, education level, and skills of the foreign national. Below are some of the most common employment-based immigration categories:


EB-1: 一优先,包括三小类: EB1A特殊人才(alien of extraordinary ability,  EB1B 杰出教授或研究人员

EB-2: 第二优先,包括两小类: 非常规的国家利益豁免(NIW )和常规的EB2劳工证PERM。 NIW不需要工作承诺,不需要雇主支持。 常规的EB2, 雇主须提交PERM证明劳工短缺。 雇主所承诺的工作,需要求硕士以上学历, 或者本科加上五年的工作经历。

EB-3: 第三优先,包括两小类:申请绿卡的工作岗位要求本科或至少两年的技能经验的归为一小类。不要求学历技能的, 归为另外一小类。  EB3的雇主也要证明劳工短缺。

EB-4: 第四优先: 宗教人士签证。  这要求有教会组织出面。 受益人是服务于教会的事工。

EB-5: 第五优先:投资移民。 满足三个条件: 投资180万美元或90万美元到美国一个商业实体; 创造或增加10个全职的就业机会给美国工人。 投资的资金要证明合法来源。

除EB4外,职业类移民对中国出生的申请人基本都有排期, EB1对中国出生的申请人有短暂排期,EB2,EB3 ,EB5对中国出生的申请人有严重的排期。

Employment Based Immigration

Each employment-based immigration category has specific requirements that must be met. For example, to qualify for the EB-1 category, a foreign national must demonstrate that they have received sustained national or international acclaim for their achievements in their field. To qualify for the EB-2 category, a foreign national must have a job offer from a U.S. employer and demonstrate that their work will benefit the United States in some way.


One of the main advantages of employment-based immigration is that it provides a direct pathway to legal permanent residence for foreign nationals who may not qualify for other types of visas. Additionally, many employment-based immigrants can apply for a green card without first having to obtain a nonimmigrant visa.


However, the employment-based immigration process can be complex and time-consuming. Employers must first obtain a labor certification from the U.S. Department of Labor to demonstrate that there are no qualified U.S. workers available to fill the job. Additionally, employers must follow a strict process for recruiting and hiring foreign nationals.